What are Abandoned cart Emails?

Abondoned cart emails

When a customer places an item in their online shopping basket on an e-commerce site but doesn’t finish the transaction. Users who aren’t ready to buy may abandon. Instead, people are shopping around and comparing costs while utilising their basket more as a “wish list”. It’s frequently all it takes to get consumers to finish checking out is to set up automatic, customised email alerts that remind them they have things in their basket.

Table of Content

  • What is an Abandoned Cart Email?
  • How do abandoned cart emails work?
  • How to write effective abandoned cart emails
  • When to send your abandoned cart email
  •  Tips for abandoned cart emails
  • Conclusion


What is an Abandoned Cart Email?

Customers who have added items to their shopping cart but have not finished the checkout process are sent an abandoned cart email, a sort of marketing communication. An email sent to a consumer who has abandoned their shopping cart aims to remind them of the products they have forgotten and persuade them to finish the transaction.

Emails sent when a shopping cart is abandoned can help you make up lost sales. Abandoned cart emails typically had a 41.18% open rate and a 21.95% click-through rate, according a SaleCycle study. This implies that out of every 100 emails received regarding abandoned carts, 41 will be opened and 22 will be clicked.

How do abandoned cart emails work?

If you’ve ever abandoned a shopping cart online, you may have already gotten abandoned cart emails, which frequently arrive in phases. The first usually serves as a friendly reminder for you to finish your purchase. The second may inform you that your order is about to expire (“Your order is about to expire!”), and the third typically contains a voucher or discount to entice you to return.

These emails are frequently personally written and sent by small retailers. Don’t worry if that takes too much time for your company—you can automate the procedure.

The use of relevant data

You require two crucial pieces of information in order to create an efficient abandoned cart email:

  • Why did the consumer start to purchase?
  • They left for what reason?

If you can handle these issues in your email copy and know the answers to these inquiries, you’ve made progress. High shipping prices, having to create an account, or worries about the site’s security are a few prominent causes of abandonment.

If you don’t have any answers, start gathering feedback to find out why visitors to your website choose to visit it over that of a rival—and why they left. Then, you may fix the issue by sending them an email that promotes the security of your website, offers reduced shipping, or makes it easier for them to complete their purchase.

How to write effective abandoned cart emails

Although clever writing and striking graphics can interest your audience, it won’t matter if you can’t make it simple for them to purchase the goods they want. It’s important to speak as plainly as you can because of this.

1. Understand your audience

Who are your clients and what kind of connection do they have with your company? What sort of partnership do they desire? Will jokes go down well with them, or would they prefer you to go right to the point?

Before writing your email, be certain that you are aware of the answers to these questions. Even better, create a different email for every audience subgroup.

2. Write a catchy topic line

One of the first things your audience will see is the subject. So how can you create copy that catches their attention?

Keep it brief and sweet: You don’t want your subject to go off the screen or end with an ellipsis. Keep it to 50 characters or less if you’re aiming for mobile consumers.

Use the client’s name: For instance, you could write, “Hey Tony, you left something here.” Keep conversations informal and personal whenever you can.

Use the name of the client: As an illustration, you might write, “Hey John, you left something here.” Keep conversations informal and personal whenever feasible.

Avoid spamming: Allow your staff to read each subject line because this can be tough. Throw away everything someone says feels like clickbait. If in doubt, keep things tidy and uncomplicated. That entails refraining from writing in all caps or using more than one exclamation point.

Say something like, “Hey Jaqueline, the 7 items in your cart are waiting for you.” Your email will appear more real and timely as a result.

3. Include a call to action at the end of the email

If you don’t directly inform your readers what to do, you can’t expect them to know what to do, therefore make sure to add a link to your checkout page with detailed instructions. Even so, you might want to think about including a call to action (CTA) at the email’s top and bottom.

4. List each item in the shopping cart

Your recipient might have forgotten what they were planning to buy by the time you send your email. They might even have lost all interest in making a purchase from your website. Because of this, it’s crucial to let them know the things they choose (and, if you can, to provide images of those products).

When to send your abandoned cart email

In general, the earlier the better. Try to send the first email within 1 to 2 hours of the buyer leaving your site. An email sent soon after the cart is abandoned can produce more money than an identical email sent 24 hours later.

However, your abandoned cart email campaign need not end with only one message. Many employ a series of three:

Email No 1: Assuming the consumer was just sidetracked, this message could be a cordial reminder. Put something like, “We’re holding onto your treats for you” or “Oops! There are still some items in your cart.

Send a second email after around 24 hours if the first one failed to convince the buyer to return. Giving your customer a full day reduces the disruption of the second email while preventing the customer from forgetting what they wanted to buy.

Email No 2: There should be a sense of urgency in this message. Inform your consumer if a product they choose might not be available for long or if their discount might expire. Consider using a subject line such as “Don’t let [your item] sell out” or “Your discount will expire in 5 hours.”

Email No 3: Provide the buyer with a reason to return, such as a voucher or free shipping code, in email number three. Use a more straightforward subject line for this email, such as, “We want you back!” may jokingly ask, “Was it something we said?” Make the most of your third and final opportunity to engage the customer.

Tips for abandoned cart emails

An email that is timely, personal, and targeted can entice customers to return. However, not all emails sent in response to abandoned carts are equally successful. Here are some additional best practises to maximise yours:

  • 1. Maintain the voice of your company: Are you friendly and enjoyable? Elegant and traditional? Keep that tone no matter what. Your e-commerce business will look more professional and appealing to potential customers, including those who are undecided, if you maintain a consistent brand image.
  • 2. Be particular: Keep in mind that individuals prefer receiving communications that speak directly to them about the things they enjoy, and they desire to be treated with respect. Make sure to specify the particular items in your customer’s cart and highly consider using their name. This demonstrates that you didn’t just send everyone the same email and instead put some thought into the communication.
  • 3. Make similar suggestions: Using product recommendations, you can showcase additional merchandise that your clients will enjoy. (They could even prefer those choices.) You might be straightforward about this by writing, “We saw you browsing at gardening materials! We figured you might also find these handy.
  • 4. Provide rewards: Try providing a discount or coupon to entice some of those consumers back, as excessive shipping charges are one of the main causes of individuals abandoning their online shopping carts. Keep an eye on it to make sure you’re making enough in sales to support the discount. This marketing tactic has the potential to end up costing you money in the long term.


You may recover lost sales and boost revenue by using abandoned cart emails, which are a strong tool. The advice given above will help you create persuasive abandoned cart emails that will encourage more customers to complete their purchases.Emails sent in response to abandoned shopping carts are an excellent approach to increase revenue and strengthen client relationships. If you haven’t tried them yet, I strongly advise you to do so.

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