Increasing Your Reach: Localising Your Shopify Store

A business can easily set up an online store and begin selling its goods or services using Shopify, a remarkably sophisticated ecommerce platform. The importance of localization in ecommerce cannot be understated. The process of localising your products and content to satisfy the linguistic, cultural, and other needs of a specific nation or region. The importance of localization for your company will be discussed in this post along with how to put it up in Shopify.

Why is localization crucial for e-commerce?

Businesses that seek to reach customers outside of their local market must localise. In fact, research demonstrates that customers are more likely to make a purchase if the website or product information is displayed in their native tongue. You may enhance user experience, foster trust, and boost revenue by localising your website.

setting up localization in Shopify

Step1: Begin by adding a new language.

Adding a new language is the first step in setting up localization in Shopify. Go to your Shopify dashboard and select “Online Store” from the left-hand menu to accomplish this. After that, select the theme you want to localise by clicking “Themes” next. From the drop-down menu, click on “Actions” and pick “Edit languages” from the list.

Then, select the language you wish to add from the list of available languages by clicking “Add language” again. You’ll get a list of all the sections and settings that can be translated as soon as you’ve added the new language.

Step2: Translation of your content.

You’ll need to translate your content after adding a new language. Everything from product descriptions to checkout pages falls under this category. Simply click on the area of your material that needs to be translated, and then type the translation into the corresponding field.

If you want to ensure accuracy and don’t speak the target language well, you might want to think about hiring a professional translator. It’s also crucial to make sure your translations are suitable for the target audience’s culture.

Step3: Configure the currency conversion

You must translate your content and configure currency conversion in addition. By doing this, you make sure that your clients can view prices in their own currencies, which can enhance the shopping experience and boost sales.

Go to your Shopify dashboard and select “Settings” from the left-hand menu to configure currency conversion. From there, select “Payments” and get to the “Payment providers” area by scrolling down. After selecting the service provider you want to utilise, click “Manage.” Following that, you can decide which currencies to accept and configure the conversion rate.

Step 4: Evaluate your customised store. 

It’s crucial to test your localised store after completing the prior stages to make sure everything is operating as it should. This entails making sure that all translations are exact, that pricing are accurately displayed in the local currency, and that the checkout process runs without a hitch.

Use a tool like Google Analytics to track user behaviour and see any problems that need to be fixed while testing your localised store with a small sample of customers.


Localization is a crucial aspect of online shopping, and Shopify makes it easy to set it up. You can make sure that your store is reachable to a global audience and offers a seamless client experience by adhering to the instructions provided in this article. Keep in mind that localization requires constant upkeep and upgrades in order to be effective. To guarantee that your localised information is accurate and up to date, review and update it frequently.

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