How Shopify supports the ecommerce trend of social commerce

Social commerce is one of the largest ecommerce phenomena to have exploded in recent years.

That effective method of selling blends online shopping with social media websites.

Imagine being able to instantly buy the clothes that you want from an influencer as you’re scrolling through your feed.

Just that easy. No need to contact the company or individual you are buying from directly, there are no redirects to other websites, and there are no difficult forms to complete.

Social commerce makes that possible. And as a Shopify agency, Juno is thrilled to help businesses benefit from this new trend using their versatile and effective platform.

What are the advantages of social commerce, which social media sites support it, and how can Shopify assist your company in embracing this development?

Social commerce’s advantages

You must first assess the benefits for your company, as with any new channel you would be thinking about selling on.

If you choose the correct platform, social commerce can dramatically accelerate your growth.

Contact both old and new customers greatly

Nearly six billion individuals are anticipated to be using social media by 2027. And that figure is currently approximately 4.5 billion.

It goes without saying that not everyone in the globe uses the same platform. All of them have a vast reach, while some have more than others.

Despite that reach, the platform still allows you to focus on particular audiences. In comparison to TikTok, Facebook, for instance, has a tendency to lean towards an older demographic.

A simpler shopping experience

Social media marketing for your store is simply one aspect of social commerce. It’s about effortlessly integrating your company and building a storefront that only appears on your social media channel.

Customers can thus buy things fast and easily without ever leaving the app or your social media account.

And the convenience of search engines is already beginning to be surpassed by this accessibility. 54% of Generation Z and 58% of Millennials agree that social media platforms are superior to web searches for locating products.

People already purchase goods using social media.

Finding your next new outfit or a striking piece of furniture on social media is nothing new.

The material of other users has always been an inspiration to people. In fact, according to 66% of consumers, images posted by other social media users have motivated them to buy from a new brand.

Simply said, social commerce makes it simpler to purchase those goods. since a result, businesses will experience an increase in sales since consumers are more likely to discover your brand without having to ask other users for suggestions.

Engaging clients is simpler.

Social media users are not the only ones who can benefit from its social component. Social media also enables businesses to interact with their clients by answering questions and even posting and replying with humour to grab attention.

However, this is also a big advantage for social commerce. A seamless customer experience can be created by businesses by directly responding to any issues with their social storefront through that account.

It is a low-cost and successful marketing technique.

Social commerce provides a special and straightforward answer to a particular issue. Previously, businesses had to reroute to another website when marketing on social media.

If you’ve taken the time to carefully craft a piece, this could disrupt the flow of your marketing campaign. It will be more challenging for customers to share your post because they will need to leave your account and the social media app in order to make a purchase.

However, with the help of social commerce, they may make a purchase with only the click of a button and then quickly tell their followers about it.


How can Shopify assist you in leveraging this fad?

As a Shopify agency, Juno is constantly trying to assist companies with setting up social commerce if they feel it will be beneficial to them.

The most effective ecommerce platform for social commerce is Shopify. It enables integrations between several of the most popular social media sites with markets. Here are a few of our favourites social commerce networks that Shopify supports.



For businesses offering visual goods, Instagram’s social commerce tools are some of the best available. For instance, there are various techniques that retailers of clothing might employ to better showcase their goods.

This can entail employing influencers to promote clothing and providing a shopping link for clients’ convenience.

The Instagram app’s purchasing feature is simple to use, has many categories, and is intuitive for those who just want to browse. Vendors are able to design their own storefront page so that customers can visit it and immediately buy relevant products.


You can be confident that if you list your products on Facebook, which is still the biggest social media platform in the world, you’ll have a significant audience.

Users who are selling used goods predominate on Facebook’s market place. E-commerce companies can, however, also set up their own Facebook profiles and list things there.

Customers can reach your company on Facebook one of the simplest venues if they need to.


The reason why so many people use Pinterest in the first place is one of the main advantages of using it as a social commerce platform. Users will visit to look at moodboards from accounts they follow, designs, or aesthetics. It’s a terrific location for inspiration.

Businesses who exploit this through Pinterest’s shopping function might cultivate a devoted clientele. Consider showcasing your individuality and sense of style in your postings, and then promote goods that fit that aesthetic.

Pinterest is an extremely visual platform, similar to Instagram. So, industries like fashion, home furnishings, and horticulture thrive here.


Using imaginative video content, are you trying to sell to a younger audience?

TikTok Shop is the only place to look. Businesses can adopt a personality through TikTok by posting consistent content. They can then use those postings to link to pertinent products.

The live broadcast function on TikTok is a fantastic marketing tool. Hold frequent live streams showcasing your various products, and engage with customers directly in the comments.

TikTok should undoubtedly be taken into account as part of your strategy since it is the social media platform with the quickest rate of growth. Just be certain you have a clear notion of the kind of content you want to create because you’ll need to identify your target market

Get In Touch

We create more than just websites. We develop a customised support, strategy, and insight plan to assist you in choosing the right course of action for your company.

That includes a thorough examination of social commerce’s applicability to your company. Contact us, and we’ll help you go through your options and choose the social media channel that will work best for your brand –

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